Employee Data

Number of Employees

(FYE March)

2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Number of employees
(Consolidated) (Persons)
Total 34,200 35,034 36,070 36,910 37,521
Number of employees
(Non-consolidated) (Persons)
Excluding directors and advisors but including those seconded to other companies
Total 15,885 16,318 16,964 17,442 17,700
Male*1 14,774 14,823 15,376 15,776 15,941
Female*1 1,111 1,139 1,189 1,249 1,287
Part-time*2 - 356 399 417 472
Number of temporary employees
  - 6,328 5,801 5,464 5,565
Regular employees
Has been disclosed since FYE March 2020

Composition of Employees (Non-consolidated)

(FYE March)

2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Male to female ratio (%) Male 93 93 93 93 93
Female 7 7 7 7 7
Average age 38.5 37.4 39.0 39.1 39.3
Average length of service (Years) 15.8 15.8 16.0 16.0 16.1
Number of managers (Persons) Male 1,030 1,051 1,062 1,089 1,057
Female 14 20 21 24 27
Number of new graduate hires (Persons) Male 473 498 561 548 498
Female 74 68 71 84 62
Number of mid-career hires (Persons) Male 317 161 182 115 109
Female 15 24 13 19 13
Number of employees who quit the Company (Persons) 339 329 354 332 404

Composition of Employees by Age (for FYE March 2023 on a non-consolidated basis)

Age Male Female Total
Younger than 30 4,147 483 4,630
30 to 39 4,222 254 4,476
40 to 49 4,131 332 4,463
50 to 59 3,453 219 3,672

Breakdown of New Graduate Hires by Job Category (for FYE March 2023 on a non-consolidated basis)

Category Male Female Total
Career-track employee (in technological fields) 195 14 209
Career-track employee (in other fields) 21 10 31
Clerk 38 12 50
Skilled worker 244 26 270

Composition of Mid-career Hires by Age (for FYE March 2023 on a non-consolidated basis)

Age Male Female Total
Younger than 30 37 5 42
30 to 39 61 5 66
40 to 49 11 3 14
50 and older 0 0 0

Comparison of Fixed Wages between Male and Female Employees (for FYE March 2023 on a non-consolidated basis)

Fixed Wages Male:Female
Managers/General employees 1:0.76
Calculated based on the provisions of the Act on the Promotion of Women's Active Engagement in Professional Life (Act No. 64 of September 4, 2015). Gender pay gaps are not present for equivalent work, and primarily arise from differences in headcount structure within qualifications and job titles.

FYE March 2023 Employee Stock Ownership Association Status

As of March 31, 2023
Number of Participants 4,841
Participation Rate 27.2%
Number of Shares Held 2,640,218
Data covers regular and contracts employees for SUBARU (non-consolidated).