Our Approach

In its Environmental Policies, SUBARU states that our fields of business are “the earth, the sky and nature” and focuses on efforts aimed at coexistence with nature. Furthermore, we have defined the Environment as one of our Six Priority Areas for CSR, and consider activities for the environment as key to the continuation of our business.
In order to foster environmental activities across the SUBARU Group, we have our Environment Committee as well as a cross-company integrated environmental management system, which covers all Group sites, domestic and overseas consolidated production companies, and SUBARU CORPORATION dealers in Japan and abroad.
Based on this system, we are fostering environmental management activities through an all-SUBARU approach, including formulating medium- to long-term environmental targets, implementing measures to achieve the targets, complying with environmental laws and regulations, managing chemical substances, and compiling environmental performance data.

SUBARU Environmental Policies

SUBARU Environmental Philosophy

“The earth, the sky and nature” are SUBARU’s fields of business.

With the automotive and aerospace businesses as the pillars of SUBARU’s operations, our fields of business are the earth, the sky and nature. Preservation of the ecosystem of our planet, the earth, the sky and nature, is of utmost importance to ensure the future sustainability of both society and our organization. We align our business strategy to enhance these global goals in all of our operations.

  1. We develop and deliver products to meet social needs and contribute to the environment through advanced technologies.
    By striving to create advanced technologies that put the environment and safety first, we will develop and deliver products that can contribute to protecting the earth’s environment.
  2. We focus on efforts aimed at coexistence with nature.
    Together with efforts to reduce CO2 emissions in all of our operations, we will promote active engagement with nature by stressing forest conservation.
  3. We take on challenges as one through an all-SUBARU approach.
    Utilizing our unique organizational character that allows us to oversee the entire supply chain, all of us together will take on the challenges of environmental protection of our planet through an all-SUBARU approach.

Environmental Principles

SUBARU’s fields of business are the earth, the sky and nature. SUBARU understands that the health and preservation of biodiversity and controlling climate change are critical to ensuring a sustainable future for our planet earth, nature, communities, and businesses.

We develop our products and conduct R&D in light of the life cycle environmental impacts of our products.
Our purchasing activities reflect consideration for biodiversity and other aspects of environmental protection.
We strive to minimize our environmental impact through improving energy efficiency and waste management.
We strive to minimize our environmental impact through enhancing energy efficiency and promoting pollution prevention.
We endeavor to recycle resources efficiently and reduce waste.
We will strive to improve our sustainability program through contributions that meet social needs and by publicizing our activities as Team SUBARU.

Management System

Environmental Management System

SUBARU comprehensively manages the entire progress and direction of its environmental management measures through the Environment Committee and based on the cross-company integrated environmental management system (EMS).
The Executive Officer in charge of the Sustainability Division appointed by the Board of Directors oversees the integrated EMS and chairs the Environment Committee. In principle, the related issues are reviewed regularly, at least once a year, and details of discussions held by the Environment Committee are reported to the Sustainability Committee. Important issues are discussed and reported at the Executive Management Board Meeting and by the Board of Directors.
In addition, four committees have been created under the Environment Committee, with participation from major Group companies and comprising the SUBARU Group’s environmental management organization.

Environmental Risk Management System

SUBARU, in cooperation with relevant departments and staff involved with environmental laws and regulations at Group companies in Japan, regularly identifies the environmental risks involved in its business activities (environmental accidents, pollution, noncompliance with laws and regulations, etc.) and fosters the management of the identified risks to prevent and minimize their materialization. We also standardize the procedures to be followed when detecting an environmental risk and conduct drills in ordinary times so that we can promptly implement response measures in case of emergency and then take measures to prevent the recurrence of similar accidents, while preventing the spread of environmental pollution.

Implementation of Environmental Audits

  1. Regular auditing based on the ISO 14001 environmental management system
  2. On-site contractors audits to ensure proper collection, transportation, and disposal of industrial waste
  3. On-site audits of compliance with environmental laws, regulations, and ordinances
Procedures to Be Followed in Case of an Environmental Accident

Acquisition of External Certification for EMS

SUBARU has been working to build an EMS, and its sites, suppliers, domestic and overseas consolidated production companies, and dealers have had their EMS certified by external organizations.

Major Certifications

ISO 14001

SUBARU CORPORATION and its six consolidated production and logistics subsidiaries in Japan and three consolidated production and sales subsidiaries in North America have obtained ISO 14001 certification for their EMS.

ISO 50001*1

In 2012, Subaru of Indiana Automotive, Inc., which is our production base in North America, became the first automobile production plant in the U.S. to acquire certification for ISO 50001, which is the international standard for energy management systems (EnMS).

ISO 39001*2

Subaru Logistics Co., Ltd. obtained certification for ISO 39001, the international standard for road traffic safety management systems, in 2015.

International standard applicable to all organizations that sets the requirements to be met by business operators when conducting activities to build an energy management system, including the formulation of policies, targets, and plans for their energy use and the determination of management procedures.
International standard for road traffic safety management systems. It requires organizations to appropriately manage the factors that could cause traffic accidents and reduce the related risks effectively and efficiently, thereby reducing the number of deaths and serious injuries caused by road traffic accidents.
Establishment of EMSs and EnMSs by the SUBARU Group
Plants and offices Retailers Suppliers
Category SUBARU CORPORATION Head Office Domestic Consolidated Production and Logistics Companies Overseas Consolidated Production Companies Domestic Consolidated Automobile Sales Companies Overseas Consolidated Automobile Sales Companies
Certification obtained for EMSs/EnMSs ISO 14001 ISO 14001 ISO 14001
ISO 50001
Eco Action 21*1 ISO 14001 ISO 14001, Eco Action 21 or self-certification
Target Gunma Plant
Tokyo Office
Utsunomiya Plant
Head Office
Fuji Machinery Co., Ltd.*2
Kiryu Industrial Co., Ltd.*
Yusoki Kogyo K.K.*
Subaru Logistics Co., Ltd.*
FAS Corporation*
Ichitan Co., Ltd.

Six companies in total
Subaru of Indiana Automotive, Inc. SUBARU dealers

33 companies in total
Subaru of America, Inc.
Subaru Canada, Inc.

Two companies in total
Green procurement
Suppliers of materials
Environmental conservation activity promotion program formulated by Japan’s Ministry of the Environment in which small and medium-sized enterprises (SME) work on three themes: EMS, environmental measures, and environmental reporting.
Group certification: SUBARU CORPORATION and its affiliated companies marked with an asterisk (*) carry out mutual internal audits on their EMSs within the scope required for ISO 14001 group certification.

EMS Established by Dealers in Japan

All 33 consolidated dealers and 10 non-consolidated dealers in Japan have acquired Eco Action 21 certification. Under the certification system, they promote their EMS and carry out environmental audits on a regular basis for environmental conservation and compliance with environmental laws and regulations.
Moreover, we collect data about domestic dealers’ energy use, CO2 emissions, waste generation, and water use through the SUBARU Group’s unique data system for environmental reporting and use the data to reduce our environmental impact.

EMS Established by Retailers in the U.S. (SOA)

Subaru of America, Inc. (SOA) promotes the Eco-Friendly Retailer Program that encourages SUBARU retailers in the U.S. to reduce energy consumption, water usage, waste and other environmental impacts. To be certified under the Eco-Friendly Retailer Program, a company must meet criteria in areas such as energy efficiency and recycling. At present, 240 dealers, or 37.5%, are participating in the program.

Management of Chemical Substances

In order to minimize the impact of chemical substances used in automobiles on people and to help preserve the environment through reduced impact, there is a growing international movement to require the identification, appropriate management and handling, and information disclosure of chemical substances contained in products.
SUBARU uses IMDS*1 as a method to manage its entire supply chain in order to identify which chemical substances are used in what amount in each of the several tens of thousands of parts that comprise its automobiles. Furthermore, we use SUBARU’s proprietary CSMS*2 to substitute and/or manage elimination of substances prohibited under laws and regulations such as the REACH regulation*3 and the ELV Directive*4, and to appropriately disclose information on controlled substances required by the Waste Framework Directive (WFD)*5 and other regulations.
This work to manage chemical substances also aids in the SUBARU Group’s work toward resource and other recycling.

IMDS: International Material Data System, an international materials database for the automobile industry
CSMS: Chemical Substance Management System
REACH (Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction of Chemicals) Regulation: A European regulation requiring all chemical substances to be subject to management or restriction measures commensurate to the risk that they pose to humans and the environment.
ELV (End-of-Life Vehicles) Directive: A European automotive disposal directive requiring reduction of environmental impact from vehicles that are no longer used.
WFD (Waste Framework Directive): Requires waste control and management.

Prevention of Pollution

International Material Data System

Management of Environmentally Hazardous Substances through the IMDS

Targets and Results

Environment Action Plan 2030 and Other Key Environmental Initiatives

SUBARU initiated its new medium-term environmental plan in FYE March 2022.
This plan is formulated around two timelines that are aligned with environmental issues.

Environment Action Plan 2030:
This is a Group-wide plan with a medium- to long-term perspective and initiatives that spiral upward to address future expectations.

Other key environmental initiatives:
These granular initiatives are from a short- to medium-term perspective and are designed to meet current expectations.

The two main features of Environment Action Plan 2030 are milestone goals to achieve by 2050 and moving targets that change according to the expectations of society.
Through initiatives based on the new environmental plan, SUBARU will sincerely address the expectations of current and future generations and further contribute to the realization of a sustainable society.

In 2023, the medium-term goal for plants and offices (Scope 1 and 2) has been raised to reducing CO2 emissions by 60% in FYE March 2036 versus FYE March 2017. The medium-term goal for products (Scope 3) has been raised to aiming for 50% of Subaru's total global sales to be BEVs in 2030.

Key Initiatives of Environment Action Plan 2030

Climate Change

Ⅰ. Key Initiatives of Environment Action Plan 2030
Field Long-Term Vision Environment Action Plan 2030
Medium-Term Goals (Primary Category) Short-Term Initiatives (1–3 Years) Major Results in FYE March 2023
Bases Goals by Base Components of Primary Initiatives
Plants and offices
(Scope 1 and 2)
Target carbon neutrality by FYE March 2051. Reduce CO2 emissions by 30% in FYE March 2031 compared with FYE March 2017 (total volume basis). Plants Reduce CO2 emissions from plants in Japan.
  • Reduce CO2 emissions from parent company plants*1 in FYE March 2031 by 30% compared with FYE March 2017 (total volume basis).
  • Upgrade cogeneration equipment.
  • Switch to LED lighting.
  • Expand solar power generation facilities.
  • Upgrade equipment.
  • Consolidate production lines.
  • Improve the energy efficiency of existing facilities.
  • Reduce standby power.
  • Purchase CO2-free electricity.
  • Upgrade cogeneration equipment. (Gunma Oizumi Plant)
  • Switch to LED lighting.
  • Expand solar power generation facilities, use existing solar power generation facilities.
  • Upgrade equipment.
  • Improve the energy efficiency of existing facilities.
  • Reduce standby power.
  • Reduce business trips using company cars through the use of web conferencing.
  • Purchase CO2-free electricity.
  • Reduce CO2 emissions from Group plants in Japan*2 in FYE March 2031 by 10% compared with FYE March 2017 (total volume basis).
  • Continue energy-saving activities.
  • Share best practices.
  • Initiate reduction strategy studies.
  • Introduce or explore introduction of CO2-free electricity.
  • Continue energy-saving activities.
Reduce CO2 emissions from plants overseas.
  • Reduce CO2 emissions from overseas plants*3 in FYE March 2031 by 30% compared with FYE March 2017 (total volume basis).
  • Switch to LED lighting.
  • Expand solar power generation facilities.
  • Improve the energy efficiency of existing facilities.
  • Initiate additional reduction strategy studies.
  • Understand energy consumption trends.
  • Continue energy-saving activities.
Head Office Reduce CO2 emissions from the Head Office building*4.
  • Reduce CO2 emissions to zero.
  • Continue energy-saving activities.
  • Purchase CO2-free electricity.
  • Utilize power and heat certificates.
  • Achieve zero CO2 emissions at the entire Subaru Building housing the Head Office.
  • Convert all power at Takao Training Center to CO2-free electricity through use of certificates.
Dealership Reduce CO2 emissions from dealerships in Japan.
  • Aggregate information and upgrade systems to reduce CO2 emissions.
  • Continue energy-saving activities.
  • Share best practices.
  • Initiate reduction strategy studies.
  • Investigate the status of utilization of CO2-free electricity and understand the status of its introduction.
  • Launch studies for solar power generation and energy-saving checkups.
(Scope 3)
On a well-to-wheel*5 basis, we will pursue our goal of reducing the average CO2 emissions from new vehicles (in operation) sold worldwide by at least 90% by 2050, compared with 2010*6.
  • By 2030, we will pursue our goal of [increasing the ratio of electric vehicles (EVs) and hybrid electric cars (HEVs) to at least up to 40% of the gross number of vehicles sold globally.
  • In the early 2030s, all commercial SUBARU cars*7 will be equipped with electrification technology*8.
Automobiles Improve fuel economy and equip vehicles with electrification technology.
  • Begin marketing strong hybrid electric vehicles (SHEVs).
  • Increase models equipped with electrification technology.
  • Improve the fuel efficiency of internal combustion engines.
  • Mass production of SHEVs.
  • Conduct research to add EVs to lineup.
  • Equip more vehicles with environmentally responsible engines.
  • Transition the next-generation e-BOXER from advance development to mass production development as planned.
  • Initiate preparations for production at production sites.
Clean energy use.
  • Conduct research and development to launch BEVs.
  • Begin marketing BEVs.
  • Mass production and marketing of BEVs.
  • Research BEVs.
  • SUBARU’s first full-scale BEV, the Solterra, began pre-orders in the U.S. from February 2022 and in Japan from May 2022. Deliveries were launched in October 2022.
  • Started studies toward BEVs produced in-house at SUBARU toward enhancing product lineup.
Road traffic improvement – IT technology (Self-driving technology and preventive safety technology).
  • Develop driving assistance technology and preventive safety technology centered on the EyeSight Advanced Driver Assistance System and expand into more markets.
  • Enhance recognition performance of next-generation EyeSight to alleviate traffic congestion and improve traffic flow. Begin marketing and expand use of highly functional driver assist controls.
  • Expand deployment of next-generation EyeSight with enhanced recognition performance and driver assist control to the new Crosstrek.
Gunma Plant, Tokyo Office, Utsunomiya Plant
Fuji Machinery Co., Ltd., Ichitan Co., Ltd., Kiryu Industrial Co., Ltd., Subaru Logistics Co., Ltd., Yusoki Kogyo K.K.
Subaru of Indiana Automotive, Inc.
Head Office floors of the Ebisu Subaru Building (Shibuya-ku, Tokyo)
Well-to-wheel: Approach to calculating CO2 emissions including the emissions produced by the generation of electricity to be used by EVs and other vehicles.
Reduce total CO2 emissions calculated based on the fuel efficiency (notified value) of all SUBARU automobiles sold across the world by 90% or more relative to the 2010 levels in 2050. Changes in the sales quantity due to changes in the market environment shall be taken into consideration, while minor changes in running distance shall not.
Including material, chemical, and plastic recycling.
Refers to the technology used to foster the use of electricity for EVs, HEVs, and others.
Ⅱ. Other key environmental initiatives
Field Item Short-Term Initiatives (1–3 Years) Major Results in FYE March 2023
Logistics Implement measures to reduce CO2 in line with the Energy Saving Law.
  • Reduce CO2 emission intensity by 1% every year, using FYE March 2007 as a benchmark.
  • Continuously promote improvement activities, such as higher loading rates, review of transportation routes, and joint transportation.
  • CO2 emissions for finished vehicles per unit for FYE March 2023 29.12 kg/unit, which was below the target of 26.49 kg/per unit (1% reduction every fiscal year from the FYE March 2007 benchmark). (Target archived)

Resource Recycling

Ⅰ. Key Initiatives of Environment Action Plan 2030
Field Long-Term Vision Environment Action Plan 2030
Medium-Term Goals Short-Term Initiatives (1–3 Years) Major Results in FYE March 2023
Components of Primary Initiatives
Contribute to resource recycling and carbon neutrality.
  • Target the use of recycled materials*1 for more than 25% of the plastic used in new models sold worldwide*2 by 2030.
  • Adopt CO2-free materials such as biomass plastic.
  • Proactively adopt plastic materials*3 that have less environmental impact.
  • Establish milestones for SUBARU’s 2030 goals, and determine outlook for achieving initial milestones. Further support achievement of goals with ongoing studies to expand scope of encompassed parts.
  • Plan to incorporate recycled materials into each development vehicle to achieve initial milestones (through 2025).
  • Identify technology and procurement issues for medium-term milestones (through 2028) and formulate a strategy to address each.
Production Help create a recycling-oriented society with clean production plants. Achieve zero emissions at production plants*4 in Japan and overseas (zero landfill waste either directly or indirectly). Maintain zero emissions at production plants in Japan and overseas (zero landfill waste either directly or indirectly).
  • Maintain zero emissions at production plants in Japan and overseas (zero landfill waste either directly or indirectly).
  • Study utilization of plastic recycling (simple incineration → expansion of thermal recycling and material recycling).
Appropriately manage water use at both domestic and overseas production plants.*4 Maintain appropriate management of water use at both domestic and overseas production plants.*4 Maintain appropriate management of water use at both domestic and overseas production plants.*4
Including material, chemical, and plastic recycling.
Excluding models supplied by OEMs.
Materials and suppliers with lower CO2 emissions and environmental pollution at the manufacturing stage.
Parent company: Gunma Plant, Tokyo Office, Utsunomiya Plant; Subsidiaries: Fuji Machinery Co., Ltd., Kiryu Industrial Co., Ltd., Ichitan Co., Ltd., Subaru Logistics Co., Ltd., Yusoki Kogyo K.K., Subaru of Indiana Automotive, Inc.
Ⅱ. Other key environmental initiatives
Field Item Short-Term Initiatives (1–3 Years) Major Results in FYE March 2023
Recyclability improvement
  • Continue to implement measures to comply with the Automobile Recycling Law.
  • Continue to implement measures to make parts and materials more detachable, separable, and sortable.
  • Contribute to a 95% recycling efficiency rate.
  • Continue to educate employees to raise awareness of design for recycling.
  • Based on internal Design for Recycling Guidelines, continue initiatives to improve the recycling rate by making it easier to remove parts and sort materials.
  • Continue to achieve a recyclability rate of more than 95%.
  • Make efforts for CFRP recycling technology.
Promotion of life-cycle assessment Promote disclosure of life-cycle assessment (LCA) data. Disclose LCA for the new Crosstrek and Solterra.
Production Waste control and proper disposal Continue to control waste generation through means such as improving yield and packing style, and properly dispose of waste. Conduct Group training in order to continue to control waste generation through means such as improving yield and to properly dispose of waste.

Pollution Prevention and Reduction of Hazardous Chemical Use

Ⅰ. Key Initiatives of Environment Action Plan 2030
Field Long-Term Vision Environment Action Plan 2030
Medium-Term Goals Short-Term Initiatives (1–3 Years) Major Results in FYE March 2023
Components of Primary Initiatives
Production Coexist with communities with production plants that are socially and environmentally responsible. Target zero serious environmental accidents.*
  • Zero environmental accidents, complaints, or violations of statutory standards.
  • Set voluntary standards above statutory levels.
  • Conduct safety training internally and externally.
  • Continue to hold meetings of the Complaint Elimination Committee (for odors/construction).
Zero emissions into the environment, accidents, complaints, or violations of statutory standards.
Ⅱ. Other key environmental initiatives
Field Item Short-Term Initiatives (1–3 Years) Major Results in FYE March 2023
Components of Primary Initiatives
Promote the introduction of low-emission vehicles to improve air quality.
  • Japan: Increase the number of WLTP low-emission standard certified models (vehicles produced by SUBARU).
  • Promote the number of WLTP low-emission standard certified models.
  • Overseas: Introduce low-emission vehicles to improve air quality in countries and regions.
  • Carry out advance development for the next LEVⅣ regulation in North America.
  • Have development address tighter regulations in countries outside our major markets.
Promote the management and reduction in the use of environmentally hazardous substances.
  • Improve management of chemical substances contained in products.
  • Participate in the creation of the Industry Standards Tool for Management of Chemical Substances Contained in Products by Japan Automobile Manufacturers Association, Inc. (JAMA), and plan to adopt at SUBARU on its completion.
  • Promote switching to substances with lower environmental impact.
  • Currently switching to Dechlorane Plus, a polychlorinated flame retardant, substances that will be newly regulated under the Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants due to concerns about environmental persistence.
Production Further reduce per unit of volatile organic compound (VOC) emissions (g/m2) at production lines.
  • Reduce unit VOC emissions.
  • Actual: 50.3 g/m2 vs. Target: 50.2 g/m2
    Target not achieved due to reduction in units produced versus initial plan.
Continue to reduce emissions of Pollutant Release and Transfer Register (PRTR) substances into the environment.
  • Identify and manage the chemical substances regulated by the PRTR law and promote further reduction in the use of these substances.
  • Manage with utilization of the PRTR system.

Disclosure and Discussion of Coexistence with Communities and Environmental Information

Ⅰ. Key Initiatives of Environment Action Plan 2030
Field Medium-Term Goals Environment Action Plan 2030
Short-Term Initiatives (1–3 Years) Major Results in FYE March 2023
Components of Primary Initiatives
Management Coexist with communities through activities to preserve nature.
  • Build relationships with residents through means including plant opening events.
  • Participate in local cleanup and greening activities, including biodiversity preservation.
  • Collaborate with local governments and environmental preservation groups.
  • Formulate Planting guidelines.
  • Create and hand out coasters from thinned wood harvested during construction of a new facility at the Utsunomiya Plant.
Earn greater trust from society through environmental information disclosure and dialogue.
  • Continuously improve disclosure information.
  • Collaborate with external evaluation organizations.
  • Promote constructive dialogue with investors, etc.
  • Disclose environmental targets in integrated reports, sustainability website, notices of convocation, securities reports, etc.
  • Hold dialogues and briefings with analysts and institutional investors (SR investor engagements with 14 companies).

Collaborate with Customers and Promote Environmental Management

Other key environmental initiatives
Field Item Short-Term Initiatives (1–3 Years) Major Results in FYE March 2023
Procurement Request suppliers in Japan and overseas to build, maintain, and strengthen an EMS.
  • Continue to establish and maintain the EMS including with new suppliers.
  • Confirm maintenance of EMS establishment by 353 mass production suppliers.
  • Request that the entire supply chain improve environmental management throughout the product life cycle.
  • As part of environmental management, conduct discussions with major business partners about expanding use of recycled resin materials.
  • Conduct surveys of total CO2 emissions at business partners toward achieving carbon neutrality. Conduct trial emissions surveys for each part / at the part level.
Reduce environmentally hazardous substances.
  • Expand management and promote reduction of environmentally hazardous substances contained in parts and raw materials at suppliers.
  • Expand scope of IMDS management to the U.S. (SIA) and strengthen chemical substance management system.
Apply the supplier CSR guidelines and green procurement guidelines.
  • Revise the guidelines according to changes in the social environment and Company policy, and request suppliers to deploy, disseminate, and comply with the guidelines.
  • Revise publication to incorporate emergency risk management in case of violation of environmental laws and regulations or environmental accidents.
Provide support to SUBARU dealerships’ environmental activities.
  • Support all dealerships for maintaining Eco Action 21* certification.
  • Check certification renewal status and continue D-SPECS system maintenance.
  • Conduct a workshop to help dealerships acquire waste management licensing (introductory level).
  • Support maintenance of voluntary environmental initiatives such as energy saving and waste reduction utilizing Eco Action 21.
Management Operate and upgrade EMS.
  • Maintain ISO 14001 integrated certification for all Company sites.
  • Maintain ISO 14001 integrated certification.
  • Make continuous improvements to the EMS.
  • Make continuous improvements to the EMS.
Environmental conservation activity promotion program formulated by Japan’s Ministry of the Environment in which SME work on three themes: EMS, environmental measures, and environmental reporting.

SUBARU Group Material Flow


SUBARU: Gunma Plant, Utsunomiya Plant, Handa Plant, Handa West Plant
[R&D and Production]
SUBARU: Gunma Plant, Utsunomiya Plant, Handa Plant, Handa West Plant, Tokyo Office, Ebisu Subaru Building, Accessory Center, Subaru Research and Experiment Center, Subaru Test & Development Center Bifuka Proving Ground, Subaru Training Center, Omiya Subaru Building
Group companies in Japan: 19 domestic consolidated subsidiaries
Overseas Group companies: Subaru of Indiana Automotive, Inc., Subaru Research & Development, Inc.
Land transport (in Japan) and marine transport
[Sales and Repair]
33 domestic dealerships who are consolidated subsidiaries, Subaru of America, Inc. and Subaru Canada, Inc.
[Product use and disposal]
Sold SUBARU vehicles

Environmental Investment

Calculation Method

SUBARU has its own guidelines for calculating and tabulating the amount of environmental investments made by the Company. These guidelines are aligned with SUBARU’s environmental conservation organization.

Calculation Results

Environmental investment in FYE March 2023 decreased 301 million yen year on year to 2,970 million yen.

SUBARU Group Environmental Investment

(Millions of yen)

Item Category Consolidated
FYE March 2022 FYE March 2023
(1) Cost in the business area (i) Pollution prevention cost 259 797
(ii) Global environment conservation cost 155 648
(iii) Resource recycling cost 7 0
(2) R&D cost R&D cost to reduce environmental impact 2,849 1,526
(3) Environmental remediation costs Costs for remediating soil and groundwater pollution 0 0
Grand total 3,271 2,970
Due to rounding, the sum may not exactly match the corresponding total.


Group companies in Japan:
Yusoki Kogyo K.K., Fuji Machinery Co., Ltd., Ichitan Co., Ltd., Kiryu Industrial Co., Ltd., Subaru Logistics Co., Ltd.
Overseas Group companies:
Subaru of Indiana Automotive, Inc., Subaru of America, Inc., Subaru Canada, Inc., Subaru Research & Development, Inc.

Environmental Education

SUBARU deems it important for employees to conduct business and environmental activities with a strong awareness of environmental issues and the importance of environmental efficiency. Based on this recognition, we provide employees with a range of environmental education according to rank and job type.

New Employee Environmental Education

We provided education online during FYE March 2023 to help prevent the spread of COVID-19. The program covered topics such as the SUBARU Group’s Six Priority Areas for CSR to become a sustainable company and the SUBARU Global Sustainability Policy.

Training on Environmental Laws and Regulations

SUBARU provides training on environmental laws and regulations as necessary to ensure compliance with such laws and regulations. In FYE March 2023, training on chemical substance management (cumulative total of 891 participants across the first and second half) and training on the Waste Management and Public Cleansing Act (cumulative total of 777 participants across the first and second half) was held for SUBARU and SUBARU Group personnel in Japan. After these trainings are carried out, we conduct a questionnaire, using the results as a reference for planning training on environmental laws and regulations in FYE March 2024, in order to make the training even more useful.

ISO 14001 New Internal Auditors Training Seminar

We also held the ISO 14001 New Internal Auditors Training Seminar, taught by external lecturers in an online format, to enhance the internal auditing system for our ISO 14001-certified EMS and to strengthen environmental conservation activities conducted at our workplaces. In FYE March 2023, the 160 participants worked hard to gain the knowledge required of internal auditors.

Dealers in Japan

In FYE March 2023, a total of 988 people participated in training on the Waste Management and Public Cleansing Act and compliance training for sheet metal painting factories, targeting dealership head office managers and personnel, and workshops to help dealerships acquire industrial waste management licensing for practical personnel at dealership head offices and locations. In addition, we are developing materials as necessary regarding amendments made to laws and regulations. Through these efforts, we are deepening understanding of environmental laws and regulations at our dealerships in Japan.

Subaru Logistics Co., Ltd.

Subaru Logistics Co., Ltd. conducts in-house training on environmental laws and regulations in order to ensure compliance with environmental laws and regulations. In FYE March 2023, 59 people participated in this training, which focused on the content of revisions to the Act on the Assessment of Releases of Specified Chemical Substances in the Environment and the Promotion of Management Improvement. In addition, we held a total of four training sessions for major departments that use chemical substances on the topic of chemical substances regulations after revision of the Industrial Safety and Health Act, as we address revisions to various environmental laws and regulations.

Training session